About Us
The East Tennessee DX Association (ETDXA) began its journey in 1988 with a group of ham radio operators who wanted to create an organization where we could come together to share, learn, and grow. ETDXA has been an ARRL affiliated club since 1991. We are passionate about connecting with people who share our love of DX, and amateur radio in general. Today, we are proud to be a leading ham radio club in the greater Knoxville area, dedicated to providing our members with a fun and fulfilling way to expand our knowledge and enjoyment of this extraordinary hobby.
Our members are a diverse group offering a wealth of experience and expertise developed through years of operating on the air with various modes and specialties.
Our core values and love of DX are what set us apart. We are committed to excellence in everything we do, and we strive to put our members first in all our decisions.
Membership in our club offers a unique opportunity to gain knowledge from a group of very experienced ham radio operators, as well as to share your own experiences, preferences, and skillsets.
Please consider joining us and become part of our distinctive organization!
You may join ETDXA by clicking here, or by clicking the "Join Our Club" tab in the menu on the left.
What's in it for me? - Benefits of ETDXA Membership
There are many advantages of belonging to a ham radio club, and especially ETDXA. For example ...​​
Learning and sharing various operating techniques and modes for working the HF bands in general, with emphasis on DX.
Sharing knowledge and experiences such as HF station design, antennas, equipment, etc.
Meeting programs that appeal to various experience levels
Contributing to DXpeditions​
Becoming an integral member of a unique and diverse group of active ham radio operators who love and enjoy all aspects of ham radio.
Friendly camaraderie and discussion
Membership in an ARRL-affiliated club.
More FUN​​​
About Our Club Callsign W4PV
In August 2020, ETDXA obtained the callsign of Patrick Richmond (SK), a charter member, DXer, and avid contester. Patrick was a ham for more than 50 years. His last QSOs were in 2017.